Wednesday, November 30, 2005

s2e08: Collision

Not the worst episode, though a bit of a slog for a while. It happens to be an Ana Lucia episode, meaning we're forced to deal with more of her aggravating behavior in both present time and flashbacks. We at least see why she's so reluctant to trust people and, ultimately, I think she comes off okay, though she's still annoying as all get out.

In other news: Kate likes Sawyer (no kidding), Jack stinks at golf, and everyone reunites. For as rough as the rest of the episode could be to watch at times, I have to admit that I was reduced to tears by the slow-motion reunion scene, particularly between Rose and Bernard. Sure, it was obvious they were going to be reunited from the minute we knew there were other survivors (if not from the very minute that Rose announced that her husband was alive, which was way the hell back in like, s1e04 or something like that), and it almost seems like the only reason Rose's character existed was for a scene like this. But it worked on me.

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