Friday, October 21, 2005

The Lost s2e06 Death Pool

ABC has promised us that one character will die in the upcoming - three weeks hence - episode of Lost. So... which character might it be?

Shannon - 2 to 1
Someone on a forum I read pointed out that killing off Shannon wouldn't make much sense, because it would mean that Shannon and Boone were totally useless characters with an arc that didn't go anywhere. I think that that sounds about right. Every other major character has had at least two episodes; Shannon and Boone got one stuck together, and then Boone was killed off. For her part, Shannon has proven to be both pretty useless and just generally unlikable, so why wouldn't they kill her off, really? Of course, I don't think she would even have occurred to me if I hadn't heard a rumor that she was going to be the character. But she wouldn't have occurred to me because she's so uninteresting, and this show has a history of killing off faceless and/or uninteresting characters (Boone wasn't setting the world on fire either). So that could work too.

Libby - 4 to 1
Another character I probably wouldn't have thought of - mostly because she's had about three lines in two episodes - but she was shown in the group of people in the teaser, and again, this does work with the faceless aspect. I mean, when Ethan threatened to kill a castaway in the first season and then did so, who was it? Steve. A guy so faceless I don't think he even had a line in the show; even Arzt got to be annoying for a couple episodes before he turned into kibble. It seems too early in the season for any character with a serious arc to get whacked, so if it's not Shannon, it's probably someone who doesn't matter.

Mistereko - 10 to 1
I doubt it highly - if anyone goes from the tail section, it's got to be Libby - but more likely Shaft than any of our heroes. The fact that he made it into the opening credits suggests that he's probably not going anywhere, though; if he were only going to be around for four episodes, presumably they wouldn't have bothered. Ditto for Michelle Rodriguez's Ana Lucia, who I'm certain isn't going anywhere, so I won't even bother including her.

Sayid - 30 to 1
Not much has changed with this guy lately. He gets a brief foray into the hatch in two episodes, but otherwise we've barely seen him all season. Could his reappearance be linked with a tragic accident? Part of this whole thing, I think, depends on why you think the people are on the island. If the island is, in some ways, making people atone for previous mistakes, then Sayid should still have some part to play and should not logically be killed. If it's not something that far-reaching... well, then theoretically anything goes. The fact that his trail has otherwise gone a bit cold - something he has in common with love interest Shannon - could be a warning sign... or maybe they just haven't gotten back around to him yet. (You can bet that if Shannon does bite it we'll be hearing from Sayid in some way.)

Another faceless character - 50 to 1
It's this high largely because I think they're making too big a deal for it to be this cheap, and I don't think they're mean enough to kill off Bernard. If it's anyone "new," it'll probably be the disposable Libby.

Sawyer - 100 to 1
No matter how often he's shown collapsing in teasers, I'm not buying this one. He seems too important and popular of a character to be dispatched in this way.

Jin - 500 to 1
I'm throwing him out there as a possibility, mostly because he's out there in the jungle with the Others. But I don't think it will happen. Too much potential for that character.

Michael or Walt - 1,000 to 1
Nah. But again, near the Others. So I guess you at least have to think about it.

Any of the other main characters (Jack, Locke, Kate, Charlie, Hurley, Claire, Sun... I'm not forgetting anyone, am I?) - 5,000 to 1
I don't remember if any of these characters showed up in the teaser, but even if they did, I don't think it's happening. Certainly not the first three, can't see it with Charlie and Hurley, I don't think they'd kill off Claire with the baby, and Sun would just be a bad choice to dump, for any number of reasons.

So there's my thoughts. Who's your money on?

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