Thursday, April 06, 2006

s2e18: Dave

In the B plot, we learn for sure that the counter doesn't really do anything when it hits zero. Sure, we get all that blue light, but that's it. Of course, "Henry" could be lying about that (and Locke says he doesn't believe him), but would anyone really be surprised? I always thought it was more or less implied that the button didn't really do anything and Dharma just wanted to see how long people would push it if they were told it did something but not what. It also would seem that the Others are not connected, at least not directly, to Dharma, which is much more interesting. "Henry" also insinuates that some unknown power keeps the island hidden from outside eyes, perhaps suggesting that, indeed, the only people who end up on the island have a purpose there. But what that is... who can say. Of course, since it would potentially offer all kinds of answers to devote a whole show to an interrogation of "Henry," the B plot only gets about ten minutes of screen time.

In the A plot, Hurley goes all Tyler Durden on us. The fact that "Dave" wasn't real was so telegraphed, I called it before we even saw Dave in the hospital; just the way Hurley and his doctor talked about him made it pretty clear where things were going. Still, it was somewhat interesting to watch Hurley struggle with his inner demons, even if at this point in the season I'd have preferred some more plot. I almost feel like this episode existed more to rule out a potential conclusion - the "it's all in someone head à la St. Elsewhere" finale - than anything else. Dave's explanation of the numbers wasn't unconvincing, but you knew they weren't going to go that way in the end - certainly not this early - so it more comes down to Hurley trying to convince himself that the numbers aren't a freaky island mystery. But I guess they still are.

Speaking of freaky mysteries, so that's where Hurley knows Libby from. Of course, this doesn't mean she was never a clinical psychologist, and if Hurley could be released then so could she. She could end up being a crazy Hurley stalker, but that doesn't make much sense, and she certainly doesn't seem unhinged at this point. I guess we'll see. Or maybe we won't! This has all the makings of a "plot point that doesn't get resolved until next season."

And speaking of plot points that need to be resolved, next week Jack goes into the jungle trying to trade for Walt, though "Henry" claims that the Others won't be buying. Then someone (was it Jack?) gets caught in a net.

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